Sunday, May 24, 2020

Population Problem in Bangladesh - 14871 Words

The Bangladeshi English Essay Book An Analysis by Robin Upton, January 22nd 2006 Public Domain under (cc) Jan 2006 - Robin Upton - http:// Contents Purpose........................................................................................................... 1 Introduction to Essay Books .......................................................................... 1 Impact of Essay Books ................................................................................... 2 Inaccuracy ...................................................................................................... 4 Grandiloquence/bombast (long words)†¦show more content†¦The low quality, mass produced nature of most Bangladeshi Essay books does at least warn the reader of the devalued and deadened the material they contain. Nevertheless, parents, teachers and publishers alike encourage students to learn these essays by rote, especially for examinations. Bangladeshi English exams typically ask for an essay of at least 200 words on one of the standard essay book titles. For students with a natural aversion to rote learning, books have a variety of ot her strategies to encourage the use of essays as models. One such is to present questions and answers one below the other, a common feature of Bangladeshi school textbooks: â€Å"Write a paragraph about your idea of a good teacher. Think of a particular teacher you have known. In your paragraph include the following points. ? Kescribe some of his qualities, ? specially his behaviour with the students, ? his general nature, and ? how he helps the students with their lessons My Idea of a Good Teacher A good teacher is the person who is committed to work for building a nation. I know a good teacher named Mr. N. Haq. His is B.A. B-Ed. He is fond of his young children. An ideal or a good teacher is fond of his young learners and helpful to them in making their lesson interesting and preparing their house work. He always keeps them busy in the class and helps themShow MoreRelatedPopulation Of Bangladesh : Problem Or Opportunity? Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pages â€Æ' â€Æ' Table of content â€Æ' Population of Bangladesh. Problem or Opportunity? Introduction: Increasing Population is one of the most alarming problem of Bangladesh. Some scientists, foreign donors and social workers believe that, it is one of the main problem of our country. Our country is very small in terms of total area. But the number of people living per square Km is very high. Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated country in the world. We have a very small area of 1,47,570 squareRead MoreThe South East Asian Country Of Bangladesh1237 Words   |  5 PagesAsian country of Bangladesh has a total population of about 160,996,000 (Bangladesh). 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