Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Evils of Society Exposed

The Evils of Society Exposed in The Lotteryâ â In Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery, what seems, by all accounts, to be a normal day in a humble community takes an underhanded turn when a lady is battered to the point of death subsequent to winning the town lottery. The lottery in this story mirrors an old custom of yielding a substitute so as to energize the development of harvests. In any case, this story isn't about the past, for through the activities of the town, Jackson shows us a large number of the social ills that exist in our own lives. In today’s society we frequently have a very easygoing disposition toward hardship; Jackson gives us this part of human instinct through the town’s easygoing demeanor toward the lottery. The men discuss downpour, tractors and charges and the ladies gossipâ€all the time realizing they are going to kill somebody or be maybe even be killed themselves (Jackson 863). What is generally critical to them is to hustle just a bit and finish so they can have lunch. Maybe the sentiment of being in a rush makes what they’re going to do simpler; they don’t have the opportunity to let it trouble them. How regularly in today’s society do we hear the expression, simply hustle just a bit and get it over with? The townspeople appear to have blended feelings about the lottery; they dread it yet on an uncouth level they appreciate it. By standing ceaselessly from the heap of stones, and staying away from the black box, the townspeople show their dread of the lottery (Jackson 863). Notwithstanding, when they discover who will be stoned, Tessie Hutchinson, they appear to really appreciate the stoning. One resident gets a stone so enormous she can scarcely convey it; somebody even gives Tessie’s most youthful child a couple of rocks to toss at his mom. Their general disposition about the stoning is summarized by the expression and afterward they were... ...f their family (Jackson 867). In regular day to day existence, we forces the equivalent egotistical demeanor depicted in the story. What is one of a child’s most loved words? It’s mine! We continually state well it’s preferable you over me and it’s each man for himself. It’s truly unnerving _when you really consider it, since you understand we truly are that childish. The Lottery is emblematic of any number of social ills that humanity indiscriminately executes (Friedman 108). The story is stunning, however the truth of humankind is considerably all the more stunning. Isn’t it entertaining that Jackson gives us a depiction of our tendency, and not exclusively do we not remember it for what it is , yet it stuns us. Works Cited Jackson, Shirley. The Lottery. The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Woody Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 989. Friedman , Lenemgia. Shirley Jackson. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1975.  Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research Project Proposal (How is text messaging affecting teen Paper

Task Proposal (How is content informing influencing high schooler proficiency) - Research Paper Example Exceptionally little exact investigations have been directed on the effects of content informing to the young people to decide the legitimacy of this worry. For the most part message informing has demonstrated create negative reactions from the instructors, language specialists, and furthermore guardians. This has wound up being portrayed as kept robbing of innovation to composed English (Lee, 2002). As indicated by (Plester et al., 2009), there exist a constructive outcome of the utilization of content informing among the youngsters. This has not influenced their insight and execution on standard proportions of scholarly proficiency and accomplishments. Research done to youngsters and youthful grown-ups has demonstrated that some negative connections have been demonstrated to exist content conduct and the utilization of language abilities. Notwithstanding, the utilization of textese-messaging language is related emphatically with customary education abilities (Kemp, 2010). The investigation expects to utilize both essential and optional wellsprings of social event information. The scientist will define center gatherings of 5-10 youngsters in schools to help in social event the information. Meetings will likewise be utilized to decide singular worries about the utilization of this adjustment in innovation the meetings will be directed orally and utilizing open finished inquiries that will offer data for examination. There will be the utilization of factual use of projects for the investigation of the

Friday, August 21, 2020

The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs

The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Print The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 20, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 02, 2019 Michael Klippfeld/Moment/Getty Images   More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use The Twelve Steps,?? originated by Alcoholics Anonymous, is the spiritual foundation for personal recovery from the effects of alcoholism, not only for the alcoholic  but also for their friends and family in Al-Anon Family Groups. Many members of 12-step recovery programs?? have found that these steps were not merely a way to stop drinking, but they became a guide toward a new way of life. Whereas 12-step meetings are the fellowship part of the mutual support groups,?? the twelve steps themselves are the essence of the actual program. They are the directions that provide members a path that leads to lasting sobriety and a drug-free lifestyle.?? As explained in Chapter 5 How It Works, in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, the steps provide a suggested program of recovery that worked for the early members of AA and continued to work through the years for many others regardless of their drug or behavior of choice. The Twelve Steps Here are the 12 steps. You can also explore them in-depth and how others have applied the principles in their lives and gained insight, experience, strength, and hope. Step 1: HonestyAfter many years of denial, recovery can begin when with one simple admission of being powerless over alcoholâ€"for alcoholics and their friends and family. Step 2: FaithIt seems to be a spiritual truth, that before a higher power can begin to operate, you must first believe that it can. Step 3: SurrenderA lifetime of self-will run riot can come to a screeching halt, and change forever, by making a simple decision to turn it all over to a higher power. Step 4: Soul SearchingThere is a saying in the 12-step programs that recovery is a process, not an event. The same can be said for this stepâ€"more will surely be revealed. Step 5: IntegrityProbably the most difficult of all the steps to face, Step 5 is also the one that provides the greatest opportunity for growth. Step 6: AcceptanceThe key to Step 6 is acceptanceâ€"accepting character defects exactly as they are and becoming entirely willing to let them go. Step 7: HumilityThe spiritual focus of Step 7 is humility, asking a higher power to do something that cannot be done by self-will or mere determination. Step 8: WillingnessMaking a list of those harmed before coming into recovery may sound simple. Becoming willing to actually make those amends is the difficult part. Step 9: ForgivenessMaking amends may seem like a bitter pill to swallow, but for those serious about recovery, it can be great medicine for the spirit and soul. Step 10: MaintenanceNobody likes to admit to being wrong. But it is absolutely necessary to maintain spiritual progress in recovery. Step 11: Making ContactThe purpose of Step 11 is to discover the plan God (as you understand Him) has for your life. Step 12: ServiceFor those in recovery programs, practicing Step 12 is simply how it works. You can also read about  the Twelve Traditions,  spiritual principles that keep 12 step support groups focused on their primary purpose. What to Expect From Your First 12-Step Meeting

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Population Problem in Bangladesh - 14871 Words

The Bangladeshi English Essay Book An Analysis by Robin Upton, January 22nd 2006 Public Domain under (cc) Jan 2006 - Robin Upton - http:// Contents Purpose........................................................................................................... 1 Introduction to Essay Books .......................................................................... 1 Impact of Essay Books ................................................................................... 2 Inaccuracy ...................................................................................................... 4 Grandiloquence/bombast (long words)†¦show more content†¦The low quality, mass produced nature of most Bangladeshi Essay books does at least warn the reader of the devalued and deadened the material they contain. Nevertheless, parents, teachers and publishers alike encourage students to learn these essays by rote, especially for examinations. Bangladeshi English exams typically ask for an essay of at least 200 words on one of the standard essay book titles. For students with a natural aversion to rote learning, books have a variety of ot her strategies to encourage the use of essays as models. One such is to present questions and answers one below the other, a common feature of Bangladeshi school textbooks: â€Å"Write a paragraph about your idea of a good teacher. Think of a particular teacher you have known. In your paragraph include the following points. ? Kescribe some of his qualities, ? specially his behaviour with the students, ? his general nature, and ? how he helps the students with their lessons My Idea of a Good Teacher A good teacher is the person who is committed to work for building a nation. I know a good teacher named Mr. N. Haq. His is B.A. B-Ed. He is fond of his young children. An ideal or a good teacher is fond of his young learners and helpful to them in making their lesson interesting and preparing their house work. He always keeps them busy in the class and helps themShow MoreRelatedPopulation Of Bangladesh : Problem Or Opportunity? Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pages â€Æ' â€Æ' Table of content â€Æ' Population of Bangladesh. Problem or Opportunity? Introduction: Increasing Population is one of the most alarming problem of Bangladesh. Some scientists, foreign donors and social workers believe that, it is one of the main problem of our country. Our country is very small in terms of total area. But the number of people living per square Km is very high. Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated country in the world. We have a very small area of 1,47,570 squareRead MoreThe South East Asian Country Of Bangladesh1237 Words   |  5 PagesAsian country of Bangladesh has a total population of about 160,996,000 (Bangladesh). When Bangladesh is compared with India, it is evident that considerable progress is being made to improve the health of the people of Bangladesh. Nevertheless, there remain many areas of concern. Some of these concerns are the countries health development and provisions for healthcare delivery. There are differences in the overall health of the citizens of Bangladesh and those of India. In Bangladesh, the annual populationRead MoreInadequate Sanitary Facilities At Dhaka Water And Sewerage Authority ( Dwasa ) Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagesin Bangladesh. Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) can serve only for 15 to 20% of city population. In absence of the sanitation and infrastructural services, 40% having septic tank and soak pit, 15% using pit latrines and 30% using open latrines. The sewage is mostly released into low-lying areas and river water in untreated manner causing great environmental hazards. 4. Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water Arsenic in ground water poses a serious environmental hazard for Bangladesh. AboutRead MoreFood Security of Bangladesh1185 Words   |  5 Pages Food security is also a difficult issue like this matter. Bangladesh is one of the developing countries of 3rd world and half of its people can not get food twice a day. Though Bangladesh is a agricultural country, still it has to import rice, wheat, oil etc (staple food). Market prices of our daily foods are not stable. Agents are profiting crossing the normal level of price. To stable market government facing various problems now and then. Poor people starve as they can not afford money forRead MoreEssay on SOC 300 WEEK 9 Assignment 2 SOC 3001059 Words   |  5 Pages From a perilous beginning, Bangladesh has attained notable advancements in economic and social development in about four decades. 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As a re sult real victims sometimes become further victimized in traditional trial system.Read MoreEssay about Development in The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh1234 Words   |  5 PagesBangladesh, or officially the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, is located in South Asia. It borders India to the west, north, and east, and Burma to the southeast. It also borders the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean to the south. It is a small country, with an area of approximately 147,570 sq. km. (94th compared to all countries). However, it has the 8th greatest population in the world, with over 160 million people. It is among the worlds most densely populated countries. The capital of BangladeshRead MoreThe Food, Agriculture And Economic Situation Of Bangladesh Essay1516 Words   |  7 Pageseconomic situation of Bangladesh in some details. Although the country faces various problems in economic progress since the independent in 1971, in the last forty five years the increase of food productio n, economic development and poverty reduction of the country became remarkably. Bangladesh is a densely populated developing country in the southern Asia. The Government of Bangladesh is trying efficiently to reduce poverty of the country. In Bangladesh about 20% of the populations still live below theRead MoreChallenges And Challenges Of Urban Transportation1699 Words   |  7 Pages ASSIGNMENT ON CHALLENGES ON URBAN TRANSPORTATION IN BANGLADESH Course Title: Urban Governance Development Course Code: 213 SUBMITTED TO Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury Assistant Professor Department of Public administration University Of Dhaka SUBMITTED BY Salman Rushdi Roll no. BE-042-093 BSS 3RD SEMESTER, 2ND YEAR SUBMISSION DATE: 07.05.2016 Transport is a significant element of economic activity in all countries but especially so in those that are developing. Since ancient times, cities andRead MoreThe Bangladesh Liberation War was a Major Event that Greatly Affected India and Pakistan786 Words   |  3 PagesThe Bangladesh Liberation War was a major event that left a huge, lasting effect on our world. Starting on March 21, 1971 and lasting one month long, the war became a fight over power and authority. The war affected Pakistan and India greatly. It was first triggered when East and West Pakistan had issues. India became involved in the war when they decided to help East Pakistan. The war affected a great number of people. Just like any war, The Bangladesh Liberation War had many devastating tragedies

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Development And Implementation Of An Appropriate...

Overview Employee compensations refer to the sum of all the benefits and rewards granted to an employee due to their employment with an organization. The development and implementation of an appropriate compensation system will help an organization attract and retain the most talented and qualified people to help realize a company s mission and goals. According to R. Wayne Mondy (2014) compensation is one of the largest motivators and concerns of employees. Further, comprehensive compensation packages have been adopted by nearly every business as an effective technique in overall success of an organization and employee satisfaction. Benefits have become increasingly important since the economic recession beginning in 2008. Many people who managed to retain employment through this time period were forced to take a decrease in both direct financial benefits and non financial benefits. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics the US economy grew at an outstanding 3.5% in the thir d quarter of 2014 and consumer confidence is cautiously returning. (BLS, 2014) Growth combined with confidence means reduced unemployment and business owners will see a smaller and smaller amount of qualified people in the labor pool. In turn, business owners, human resource managers and organizations overall will be faced with a more difficult task to recruit and retain the most qualified employees who must then be placed in the positions best suited to their knowledge, skills, andShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of an Organizations Performance Management System1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthat a performance management system can have on other areas of human resource management, it is necessary to define the relationship between a performance management system and human resource management. First, a performance management system is one area of human resource management. It is now becoming a strategic issue for organizations, in their pursuit of addressing deficiencies in the perfor mance of employees in a timely manner; channeling employees in the appropriate direction towards performanceRead MoreCompensation and Benefit in Dominos Pizza Essay1302 Words   |  6 Pagesinternational expansion and development, but there are some most effective ones which provide the best penetration to the international markets. The paper will discuss the system and sources of compensation and benefit in Dominos Pizza in the United States. The paper will also critically appraise the current strategy and give appropriate recommendations for further development. The system and sources of compensation and benefit in Dominos Pizza The compensation and benefit systems of Dominos Pizza inRead MoreEssay on Performance Management Issues 1221 Words   |  5 Pagesseek to show how the firm will go about doing what it wants to do. Impact on employee and organization The implementation of performance management system has many benefits for organizations. The implementation of these systems leads to the effectiveness of employees in an organization. The managers in most of the organizations have a hectic schedule and do not have enough time to interact with their subordinates.Read MorePerformance Management Issues1433 Words   |  6 PagesPerformance Management Issues BUS681: Compensation and Benefits October 24, 2011 Abstract This research paper is based on the development and implementation of completely integrated performance management system. The organizations are enjoying many benefits by implementing the performance management system. It has helped in improving the productivity of employees in most of the organizations. It is to be understood that apart from advantages, the system also carries some disadvantages. It isRead MoreEssay about Performance Appraisal1191 Words   |  5 Pages Performance Appraisal Appropriate Approach for Performance Appraisal Kudler Foods deals with the supply of both domestic and imported foods. The food store comprise of five departments with specialized classification of skills and competencies. In order to develop and meet the major requirements of an organisation, managers should design an assessment form designed to evaluate employee’s performance regarding their level of understanding and the quality of their work. According to CromwellRead Moreï » ¿Understanding Organizations and the Role of Human Resources Activity1149 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Understanding Organizations and the Role of Human Resources Activity 2 Organization Strategy and Human Resources An organizational strategy is the creation, implementation and evaluation of decisions within an organization that enables it to achieve its long term objectives. Key strategic considerations of organisation strategy include: 1) What re-configurations, reach extensions and strategic relationships will be necessary to deliver the intended strategy. 2) What new skills and capabilitiesRead MoreIntroduction Of Human Resource Management1576 Words   |  7 Pagesemployee turnover, terminations and training. Using an attitude survey, information about employee opinions can be gathered on wages, promotions, welfare services, working conditions, job security, leadership and industrial relations Job Analysis, Compensation and Benefits Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human requirements, such as skills, and experience needed to perform it. The end product of the job evaluation process is the job description. A job descriptionRead MoreEssay Riordan Manufacturing1266 Words   |  6 Pagesexcess of $1 billion. Recently, Riordan made several strategic changes in the way it manufactures and markets its products. Because of declining sales and uneven profits over the past two years, Riordan adopted a customer-relationship management (CRM) system. Primarily sales teams instead of single salespeople, with each team focusing on a particular customer segment, now service customers. Teams typically include a sales person, product engineering specialist and customer service representatives. TheRead MoreHuman Resource Management and the Impact of Information Technology1361 Words   |  6 Pagesit efficiently. Human Resource will be impacted more than any other department. Human Resource Department must be a leader in the implementation of emerging technologies. HR departments are harnessing technology to meet their goals to enhance efficiency and reduce cost, but most importantly, they are providing better service to their employees (HR Logical). Systems are being implemented in the organizations that allow Human Resource Departments to enhance their efficiency for transportation ofRead MoreCase Analysis Sonoco Products Company1353 Words   |  6 Pageschanges in the world economy, and the packaging business began to focus higher speed computer technology for quality assurance that improvement and labor saving, production for diversified product types, and implementation of policies and action programs to meet the consumer needs, including development of innovative packaging containers and techniques. Thus, Sonoco realizes that it needs reinvent itself in order to remain competitive in their market. Hartley has to answer several questions from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment Essay

Postpartum Depression is depression that occurs after performing childbirth. This condition is often mistaken for the â€Å"baby blues† which has similar symptoms such as tearfulness, extreme sadness, anxiety, self-doubt, and fatigue. However, the â€Å"baby blues† goes away within a few weeks after and unlike the â€Å"baby blues†, postpartum depression can cause suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and feeling too exhausted to get out of bed for hours. If postpartum depression is not treated properly or soon enough it can drastically effect the lives of those who have developed it as well as their families. This is because a mother is a very important figure in one’s life because she is the first person that an individual ever makes an emotional connection with; she’s also the first one to play the role of supplying nourishment to her child. Consequently, â€Å"PPD can affect familial relationships and a woman’s capacity to care for and bond with her newborn. Some research indicates that young children of depressed mothers are at increased risk of delay in cognitive and language development† (McGarry, Kim, Sheng, Egger, Baksh, 2009). Postpartum depression can take hold of a woman and her family’s life and is one of the most common complications of childbirth. However, â€Å"postpartum depression (PPD) is less frequently detected, treated, or the focus of obstetric research† (McGarry et al., 2009). This is because mothers suffering with postpartum depression are unable to seek properShow MoreRelatedPostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment1700 Words   |  7 PagesWhen Postpartum Depression Leads to Psychosis According to authors Susan Dowd Stone and Alexis E. Menken postpartum depression can start during pregnancy which is called perinatal disorder (2008). During pregnancy, women can suffer through mood disorders which are a leading cause of postpartum depression. Women who are screened and diagnosed for depression are most likely to have postpartum depression. Doctors know to keep a close watch on these women who are found positive for depression. AfterRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments1518 Words   |  7 Pages2015). These are mild symptoms of depression and usually go away within two weeks after giving birth. However, the symptoms of unspecified depressive disorder with peripartum onset also known as postpartum depression (PPD) can be more intense and last significantly longer than the â€Å"baby blues.† According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA] 2013), postpartum depression occurs during pregnancy or in the 4 weeks following deli very. Postpartum depression has symptoms that cause clinicallyRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Postpartum Depression2232 Words   |  9 PagesResearch Postpartum depression affects about 13% of new mothers within the first year after childbirth (Marrs, 2013). Every year there are nearly 4 million births and approximately 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression (â€Å"Postpartum Depression-ACOG†, 2013). When a woman is screened for PPD, they are typically evaluated after giving birth and approximately 4-6 weeks after delivery. Screening can include the use of Postnatal questionnaires to determine the severity of the depression and the treatmentRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments Essay1101 Words   |  5 PagesDepression Postpartum in United States According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, depression is â€Å"a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.† According to the definition of the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), postpartum depressionRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment2159 Words   |  9 Pages Postpartum Depression Monica Hufford Eastern Florida State College Spring 2016 Total Word Count Postpartum Depression This paper give a in depth description of five different articles, all with the main subject being postpartum depression. The first three description are of experiments that have been carried out on postpartum depression, in the explanation of these journals the purpose, hypothesis, procedures, participants, results and limitations will be discussed. The last twoRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Postpartum Depression1902 Words   |  8 PagesPostpartum Depression The risk factors, symptoms and treatment methods Pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous part of everyday life. The female body is able to carry a developing baby and bring another life into the world. However along with this great phenomenon, can come illness and mood disorders. Postpartum Depression is a serious and very common mental health problem that affects women after giving birth. It is a period of time when the new mother experiences changes in her hormonal levelRead MoreInformative Speech961 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Outline Topic: â€Å"Postpartum Depression† General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about Postpartum Depression Thesis: Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that can greatly effect new mothers. Knowing how to recognize their symptoms and treating it can greatly increase chances of a healthy, happy living. Attention Getter: Imagine a bright sunny morning, lite clouds low chances of rain which is a great example of a perfect day. You receive a call from someoneRead MorePathophysiology And Effects Of Postpartum Depression1528 Words   |  7 PagesRhetoric Professor Jaffe The Pathophysiology Effects of Postpartum Depression After childbirth, around 85% of women experience some sort of mood change. For most, the symptoms, following childbirth are minor and brief, otherwise known as the baby blues. Though, 10 to 15% of a woman’s baby blues manifests and develops into postpartum depression and in extreme circumstances, psychosis (Zonana, J., Gorman, J., 2005). Postpartum depression is a multifaceted phenomenon with various components. ThisRead MorePostpartum Depression And Postpartum Psychosis1135 Words   |  5 PagesPostpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis 1. Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis 2. Faith Williams 3. Comp 1 4. Abstract Ongoing sleep deprivation, the intense experience of birth, radical role shifts, and hormonal fluctuations all collide to produce mood swings, irritability, and feelings of being overwhelmed in the majority of mothers. While as many as 80% experience some form of the â€Å"baby blues,† a smaller percentage experience Postpartum Depression, with even fewer momsRead Moreâ€Å"Postpartum Depression Affects 10% To 20% Of Women After1612 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Postpartum depression affects 10% to 20% of women after delivery, regardless of maternal age, race, parity, socioeconomic status, or level of education†.( Consise) Postpartum depression is a major depression episode that occurs after childbirth affecting not only the mother but also the child and family members. After the delivery of the placenta extending for about six weeks this is considered as as the postpartum period. This a critical period for the mother and new born physiological and

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Drawing characteristic Essay Example For Students

Drawing characteristic Essay There is no straight line except of the cuboids, and no reduplicative units but similar objects comprise a group. The drawing could be en as a combination to seven different group to other pictures; green OF at middle, yellow orange cuboids at right bottom, a group to colored curves at left bottom, short circle tubes at left, colored lines with pink circle at right side and a composition of dotted and solid curves at left upper part of the drawing, The element is containing an identical feature but with various peculiarity to define their dissimilarity. The green objects at middle part Of the drawing have same characteristic Of their similarities in size, shape and color, but they also show their contrast in details. The drawing is not showing the information in two dimension but in four dimension. Normally, a 20 drawing could show information of what and where; however. This drawing indicates what, where, how and when. The drawing uses dotted and solid line to demonstrate the process of development/movement and variability of the elements under a time slot. This would give a feeling that the elements are dancing inside the drawing. INTENTION As an abstract drawing, it is not known that if it was the artists intention to express these ideas. This drawing uses layers of geometric elements to abstractly represent natural, artificial phenomena and human behavior.