Friday, February 21, 2020

Organizational Behavior of Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Organizational Behavior of Microsoft - Essay Example This essay focuses on presenting a worlwide known company, that was established in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Microsoft Corporation rapidly has made its place as a global information technology (IT) leaders and is an inspiration for many, and not just for people in this field, but also an awe-revering unit for those who wish to study organizational behaviour and structure as sound as this. Many studies have been done in this regard, and since the start, Microsoft has been one of the corporations to maintain a sound organizational structure. This is the purpose of this essay, which explores how Microsoft has struggled to continually improve not just its products and IT software, but has also come up as an exemplary organization in terms of structure, leadership, administration and management. The researcher focuses on analyzing various features of the company. The essay gives an overview of the company, presents it's mission and vision, explores it's values and business strate gies, such as Representation: Building a Pipeline of Future Leaders and Innovation: Driving Market Excellence. The researcher also explores responsibility and it's subtopics for the company, such as Financial Integrity and Transparency, Use and Protection of Assets and Information Technology, Fiscal Responsibility, Use of Software, Confidentiality of Information and Responsibility Globally. Honesty, respect, leadership, training and development, communication, teamwork and recognition topics are also presented in details.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Ensuring Employees Pay for Extra Cost of Healthcare Essay

Ensuring Employees Pay for Extra Cost of Healthcare - Essay Example Employers should devise an economic program that would ensure employees compensate the extra cost over premiums spent on lifestyle-related diseases. The following is a proposed framework that employers would use to ensure employees pay for extra costs above the coverage premium spent on lifestyle-related conditions. First, employers should schedule all chronic conditions that are lifestyle-related and contribute to the increase in the cost of the premium. A possible list should include conditions such as diabetes, some forms of cancers, heart disease, and obesity-related illnesses. In order to ensure a robust program, accredited health care professionals should approve the scheduled list of complications and ascertain they are lifestyle-related. The second process in the framework should involve calculations of direct and indirect costs incurred from health-related illnesses. The direct cost calculation is simple and can be estimated based on extra expenditure the company has on inpatient and outpatient services. They include extra expenditure on services including surgeries, radiological processes, laboratory tests, and drug therapies. Indirect costs include an estimation of resources forgone by the firm or company because of a lifestyle-related health condition that affects an employee. The value of lost work because of absenteeism should be calculated based on accumulated wages throughout the period. Other forms of indirect cost include the value of increased insurance incurred by the company because of lifestyle-related conditions.  Ã‚